Step-by-step instructions for improving the bad habits acquired during the epidemic and getting better at this point.
Computer behavior - making espresso, reading stories, texting, text messaging - represents almost half of the average daily exercise, according to a study by Wendy Wood, a psychology science professor at the University of Southern California and creator of Good Habits. "We are doing exactly the same thing in the same situation consistently," he said. "Moreover we did it without considering everything with any thought." Intentionally or unintentionally, you burned down much of the past year and made new habits that are often unfortunate.
Now, however, as the world returns to normalcy, we have an exciting door to open. Health experts share 60 ideas for these ideas. Remember this: the cerebrum needs as long as 90 days of constant exhaustion to make the sensory circuits mechanically behave. "Whatever the case, the biggest gain is the big moon," as Wood pointed out. "That's why it's important to predict early." Insist: The tendency you are currently doing may be a trend that you are experiencing for the rest of your life.
Improve your cerebrum health as well
Book preparation continuously for practice. It is easier to negotiate than to resolve it, but it is much harder if you have an incomplete obligation to exercise with your friend. For the most part, try to do something like 150 minutes of moderate exercise of great impact for seven days. People who exercise are 45% more likely to get Alzheimer's disease, according to the Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation.
2. Eat mixed vegetables regularly. Just one daily diet of raw vegetables is associated with mild dementia, as indicated by a recent report from Rush University Medical Center.
Find sweetness with berries. Black berries, such as blue berries and black berries, contain substances that strengthen the immune system and help protect the brain. Eating a cup of blueberries consistently over time can reduce your risk of heart disease by 12 to 15%, according to a study published in 2019 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Make plain yoghurt with berries to get your favorite candy after dinner.
Get used to drinking green tea, especially if your favorite beverage is pop. Analysts pointed out that people who drank sugary drinks were responsible for promoting Alzheimer’s infection, and several studies recommended that green tea may boost mental capacity.
5. Join a book club. People who regularly train their minds through educational exercise (such as exercise or study) are 29 percent more likely to promote dementia over a four-year follow-up period, according to a study of adults aged 65 and over. in 2018 and is still being distributed. and JAMA Psychiatry.
6. Try to try once a week. Stop and listen to other music, gain information in a few words in one language or sign up for a meeting. Stable learning is associated with better mental health, and keeping brain flexibility related to the onset of dementia is postponed.
relax more straight
7. She goes to bed every day. According to a review by the National Sleep Foundation, people who hit the sack almost daily will definitely report a good night's rest.
8. Wash bed covers every Sunday. Allergens can interfere with relaxation. To avoid clutter, wash your sheet material regularly. For hygiene and comfort reasons, change the pads from time to time and sleep cushions like clockwork, as they may collapse over time.
9. Put the morning time calculator in the divider. Additionally, keep your cell phone down. A fake light disturbs the rest. Instead of having a night light, place a lamp near your bed to use if you need it.
10. Turn on the fan when you turn off the light. You can also install apps on the audio machine. Breeze, traffic jams,
and other things around you can wake you up in the evening and make you feel very tired during the day. This issue can be handled with a repetitive sound, as a follower.
11. Introduce chamomile tea at bedtime. In a double-blind, randomized controlled trial conducted by the University of Michigan, people taking chamomile twice a day memorized for 16 minutes very quickly in addition it improves heart health
12. Brush and brush your teeth regularly. Irritation or watery gums caused by unhealthy oral hygiene can cause the circulation of bacteria in the blood, which can cause irritation and heart damage. Most experienced adult oral hygiene professionals are expected to pass 20 to 35% during a 17-year study led by scientists at the University of Southern California.
13. An effort to eliminate 10 minutes of siege prepares each day. It talks about a really sensible week of muscle strengthening. In a study released in 2017 by the American Heart Association, 62-year-old women who spent just 20 to 59 minutes doing physical activity each week were 29% more likely to pass during a 12-year review than people who did not work. Low muscle strength is associated with high mortality among people aged 50 and over, who pay less attention to general health. Indeed, even cardio does not seem to be protecting you by assuming that you are lowering your stamina.
14. Add avocados to your diet. Replace half of the spread in the baking formula with avocado puree and combine this solid source of unsaturated fat into a smoothie and sprinkle more if you can. Removing immersed fats with these unsaturated fats can help lower LDL (bad cholesterol) cholesterol.
15. Go where you want to smoke. Smoking creates heart disease and stroke. The point is when you want to smoke, put on your shoes and walk around quickly and breathe in the fresh air. Who can say for sure? Maybe you would rather not stop.
16. Eat a banana. A diet rich in potassium can help balance part of the unsafe effects of sodium on the pulse. Add bananas to everything from breakfast items to evening cakes to peanut butter and jam sandwiches. When we do, add some yams, tomatoes, and oranges.
Release the pressure
17. Arrange one thing every day: for example, a sack, a table, or a cupboard. You will feel as if you are done with a task, which will help you to feel less stressed.
18. Enjoy continuous withdrawal. Whether on the table, in the kitchen, or on the porch, close your eyes and don't wake anyone up. At least five minutes: you will feel better.
19. Perform the ritual you expect when you feel you are not overly relaxed. Do something specific, such as inviting a friend, having a cup of tea, playing the piano, or slide to read a few pages of a book.
20. Appreciate regular play. Remember what you wanted to do when you were young, and do it. Play yo-yo or Rubik dice. Swipe with a rope or golf club. Jot, build towers with toy building blocks, crease paper to make origami, or draw with shaded markings. Mix the sweetness five to a half times to let your mind relax.
continue to improve nutrition
21. Find out how to eat vegetables. Be aware of the number of mixed vegetables you wear or the sauce you like: you need to eat a lot of vegetables dipped in it.
22. Store organic products before cooling. Whenever you take a natural product, wash it immediately and put it in a bowl before the original amount instead of in the case. After opening the fridge, I want to eat a little.
23. Divide the beans into pieces. In 2013, the review was distributed to adults aged 55 to 80 with cardiovascular gambling at BMC Medicine. It was estimated that people who ate a lot of peanut foods each week were 39% more likely to refuse to transfer for any reason during the next five years of review. The problem is that we tend to bend and eat directly into large packets or containers. Divide each portion into the plastic wrap to eat just one meal instead of five.
24. Reflect on your life while decorating. You think there is chocolate on the table, they eat. For unfortunate tidbits and food set planted in the ground on an accessible table.
25. Eat small meals before you go shopping. Going to a regular store with an empty stomach - whether it is a web-based store - can motivate you to shop. Eat something and write down a shopping list while you eat and stick to it.
26. Drink fiber. Put some natural product in a blender before it breaks down. Get out of mixing bananas, oranges, and spinach and add pecans to get extra fiber and unsaturated omega-3 fats get back into shape.
27. Go even if you are talking on the phone. With the Coronavirus epidemic, many of us stopped going to and from work and thus stopped traveling. Use the remaining power to walk, rotate or run. One study found that most mature women who went through 4,400 normal stages daily (compared to only 2,700 stages) were 41% lower than the 4.3 long follow-up stages.
28. Edit "simple image." Spend an hour waking up, blood flow, and muscle contraction once every 60 minutes. The mind needs oxygen to be useful, so if you can convince yourself to get up and move, do it!
29. Receive calls while standing or walking. They are designated as "PDAs" for a purpose. Whenever the phone rings, get up or walk away. It is an easy way to reduce your knowledge of the act of inaction.
Reduce the use of innovation
30. Delete all phone messages. As of the 2019 update, US people currently check their phones 96 times a day, so you won't miss a thing if you don't get alerts.
31. Make a telephone booth, starting at the room and during dinner. A study of 290 experiments conducted by Swedish college analysts distributed in 2018 saw a correlation between the continued use of cell phones and indications of distress and rest problems.
32. Try not to hold the phone when you get up. All things considered, fill in the blanks you like: write in your journal, present, make espresso or read part of a book. Get a morning calculator so you don't have to rely on your phone to wake you up.
33. Turn off all screens in one day for seven days. "For eleven years at this time, my family and I turn off all the screens all day long and commit a day to what we love. Our favorite day of the week," said creator Tiffany Shlain.
Work on your relationship with your partner
34. Turn the bowl into a dance. Choose an activity that you both do and have a dance party for the evening. Walking together in the kitchen or anywhere in the house will remind you of how fun it is for both of you.
35. Stay in touch during dinner. Make eye contact for 60 seconds. You can both pursue beauty, beauty, or soul in the eyes of another.
36. Thanksgiving Friday night. Every Friday night for dinner (any weekend evening), share three things you are grateful for. Lovely culture will give you a completely different perspective on your relatives.
conquer peace
37. Keep a list of your friends and family nearby. Write three to five words in tacky notes and see them in the fridge or on the PC, or send photos to them. As a general rule, we are very happy when we think we feel very connected to a few people, dependent rather than trying to communicate with everyone.
38. Also spend some time with your friends and family. Reviews have shown that even a few 10-minute phone calls for seven days can reduce the silence by 20%.
39. Once a week, call your long-lost friend. We usually do not beg to be called because we see that we will annoy him or he will not talk to us. However, being an organizer can be a wonderful gift and another way to reduce stress. In a review published in 2020 in the book Heart, people with heart problems who reported feeling depressed were obliged to go two or more times after being released from an emergency clinic.
40. Give a small gift. Cards made with handmade flowers, blossoms, beautiful deeds, or pictures with instant messaging are examples of how we can entertain ourselves and people who may feel depressed or restless increase your endurance.
41. Walk among the trees for 20 minutes a day. Obviously, you want this long-term to significantly lower chemical levels of energy, such as the 2019 revision. Experts point out that investing in more energy in nature can reduce these levels progressively, but not fundamentally.
42. Ask how you can help. Make it a practice to ask if you can help. The more you reach out to your community, the more likely you are to get help in difficult times.
43. Keep a "list of things you have been doing for a long time". Be aware of things that may delay you from working long or starting a family. So take a moment to relax and explore these goals. Remorse may be too far-fetched.
44. Write a little in your journal about consistency. Keeping an informative journal where you can be thankful for what you have helps you with maintaining a common image in difficult times. At the end of each day, record three or four things that you enjoyed, the good things you learned about yourself, or the good things you did to take care of that day.
Take care of your skin
45. Apply sunscreen with SPF 30 daily, even on very cold days. Remember to apply to the ears, upper legs, and back of the neck. The skin may begin to repair itself if you start a daily routine of protection.
46. Always use lip balm with sunscreen. Lipstick protects women from harmful growths on the lips, so the infection is more common in men. In case you do not use lipstick, use a lip balm with sunscreen.
47. Go out at the beginning of the day (or evening). Gambling of skin lesions is most notable among kl. 10.00 and 17.00. what else in the program takeover at 9.00. or again at 5 p.m. rather than dinner can reduce skin damage completely over time.
48. Make some money to check your partner's skin. Check to see if there is any persistence in her skin color. People often distinguish the harmful growth of skin from areas that do not look good. Get to know your mole and get tested on the assumption that you notice any dubious changes in their shape, appearance, print, or size.
limit bulk
49. Turn off the TV. Focus on the type of series you are watching and choose the program or film you need to watch. When you are done, turn off the TV and take a trip or shower to relax. The eradication of the epidemic should be the end of a long TV party.
50. Try not to rush too fast while shopping on the web. Clear your Visa data from multiple time-visit sites. Getting into your wallet to pay for a drive purchase adds another dimension that gives you more opportunity to test and think that something is really needed.
Protect the weather
51. Store more food in glass containers than plastic. Plastic often contains harmful synthetic compounds -, for example, bisphenol An and phthalates - that can break down in food and endanger your health.
52. Choose fragrant items. If you think your home cleaner or air cleaner is “smelly” you may need to throw it away. If these corrections are not listed, the item will likely contain unsafe synthetic substances that cause cancer naturally. Additionally, install equipment at HEPA stations to clean the entire air.
53. Put plants in your house. Plants not only look good but there are many varieties that can improve air quality, for example, bamboo palm and English ivy.
54. Choose organic food grown in the soil whenever the situation allows. By choosing natural ingredients, you reduce your exposure to pesticides. Natural foods can also be more nutritious than regular foods.
It works on the proper functioning of the digestive tract
55. Try the usual closure medications. Automatically sold purgatives can slow down the intake of additives, a problem that seems to remain relevant as we grow older. Trackways to get extra fiber and dietary sources that are common diuretics in your diet: kiwi, plums, and rhubarb are the most appropriate choices.
56. Stop eating sweet artificial chewing gum. For some people, foods high in sucralose or fructose - for example, mint with or without dessert sugar - can cause stomach upset and problems, bloating, gas or indigestion.
57. Practice diaphragmatic rest. Depression or stress can exacerbate stomach-related problems. Try taking a deep breath to enlarge your stomach. This activity activates the autonomic nervous system and reduces the response of the intestinal system to differentiated development.
58. Put the feces in front of the toilet. The idea is to raise your knees above your hips so that you are in a position to bend deeply. This fixes the lower part of the colon so that you can move the bowels more smoothly.
Continue to adapt and improve posture
59. Check your condition once for 60 minutes. Sit or keep your feet low. Look straight ahead, roll your shoulders back and down and press your jaw slightly. Stand firm in this suspension for up to five. Do this several times during the day. By following these lines, you will become accustomed to maintaining a better and higher status.
60. Significantly change the way you transfer items. The purpose is to balance the weight on both sides of the body. Whenever you have a pack in your hand, it is good to have the same load on both sides to maintain a stable position. In the event that you have a rucksack on you, place it on both straps on your arms to spread the pile evenly. You should try not to carry heavy bags on one shoulder. By assuming that you are hiding from the side or the front, you are overreacting.
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