1. Introduction
"Well-being is like a well-lit light. If you think you are careful
we focus on our candle, it stays lit for a long time. "(Manfred Kets De Vries)
Man is an intelligent thinker, a plant, we know
in the morning. Continuing to think of a novel, something new, invented a novel, something new. Today
the world, is the ultimate space for innovation, man's dreams, no limits!
can enter. You have enough money to do many things.
we want. However, there is one thing in our lives, important in machines.
a piece that can mean a new disappointment or the end of our life.
A brief yet very important comment on man is my paper.
builds the foundation - LIFE. However, the significance of that name is even more important
to individuals, namely: HEALTH.
For a man as a living person, he plays a meaningful role in the existence of nature.
the significance of this word, as well-being often accompanies us in our lives. That's all there is to it
moreover it takes an important part in the stomach, as it is now resolved something that seems to be eternal.
Suppose we grow up well, we get pregnant strong or on the other side when we are
the machine comes in and we fail to always remember the importance of well-being. on earth
After our appearance, caregivers played a key role in protecting us,
taking care of our health. Later in kindergarten and important,
it is the responsibility of prepared teachers and kindergarten educators to implement this concept
to get quintessence from us. High school students, parents, teachers, I
propensity, and youth should work together to grow to
protect welfare.
XXI. A century is an age of PCs and new inventions, namely:
it affects the opposite of the rest time we have proudly enjoyed so far. children
their well-being is undermined by their continued existence in the material world.
Instead of the time they spend right now, on their high-end calls
invest this energy. It requires some investment to go, but moreover the total amount
or on the other hand food. Except for the universe of renaming, for some children, it is
Moreover, the meaning of the word “food” is unsatisfactory. Still, schools
are gradually trying to convey equality at the appointed time
information for children. It is used from the early stages of school.
the information obtained can also contribute to the growth of the community. Get instruction at school
They are trying to provide data on a sound lifestyle in certain areas.
The topics of my presentation are now commended by the realities highlighted in the previous lines.
Good moral awareness and lifestyle are not an undeniable fact, it is important for experienced people, but more than that
so do the little ones. In my dissertation for students from a certain high school
I analyzed his good behavior and his attitude about considering health well.
That is why I have chosen Encsi Váci Mihály High School in my old neighborhood.
High School and a school named after a high school
I also continued my experiments here. sadly at the time
health education and social development, real daily training
to be clear. The smorgasbord and the school flask just carry the unlucky food again
it's a lot of drinks. I believe it has been a social concept from then on
the well-being of young people has expanded into the opposite realm of innovation
is on a good topic. To test this, the following theories:
I designed:
High school students focus on high nutrition.
High school students often walk out of the classroom.
High school students must support their well-being
to protect
Young people are affected by the information available at school once
surveys of people around you
High school students deliberately strive for a better life
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2. The concept of welfare
When can a person feel amazing? Time to use
Will anyone say I am strong? As shown by the everyday man
we are strong when we feel better about ourselves. no suffering
at our feet we do not give up. Experts will often think so
Sound is not sick, that is, without accessible techniques
obvious changes in organs (Barabás 2006)
The concept of welfare is very difficult to define, as there are many explanations
were brought to earth as a result. Everyone's life is different. everyone
as various circumstances determine welfare, what is important in the best circumstances
the concept of real well-being. "The word 'welfare' itself is complete, with great power
and, referring to the rich man whose life is honest, trustworthy,
said the innocent and the successful. The view of welfare by “reasonable judgment” as
a portion of the current social asset is passed from one period to another. Named
a common way of dealing with welfare is governed by the consideration of all in the eyes of the public
(socialization). In any case, in a particular culture, you are a different party.
crowds exist and may have different views about the "existence of the mind"
in created separation. (Naidoo and Wills, 1999, p. 4)
The World Health Organization, established in 1948 to regulate
show good health, help with international sound
express the concept of welfare as follows: Health at
a state of complete physical, mental and social prosperity and not just a lack of illness (WHO,
As noted by thinker David Seedhouse, this is a good state of affairs
equal to the number of cases in which unity exists
you can reveal all possible outcomes. (Brabbas, 2006)
2.2. health factors
According to the WHO definition of welfare, we can conclude:
Therefore, a person does not feel good just in case the illness is not in the body
it can sting, even emotionally. Because of this, it has an impact on well-being.
we can distinguish it by various factors.
"In terms of physical well-being, the real meaning is a clear aspect of well-being,
showcasing the functioning of the body machine.
Emotional well-being basically means thinking clearly and clearly.
While distinguishing between love and goodness, there are three:
the concept is strongly related.
Burning well-being, that is, certain feelings of fear, happiness, sadness, or anger.
means the ability to see and communicate. A loving or "emotional" life.
this concept is meant to deal with stress, difficulty, depression, and tension.
Social well-being, connected with building organizations with others as well
It depends on the management.
Mental health includes psychological and foreign thinking and understanding.
we find this. For some people, because of strong beliefs and traditions.
while others have an individual perspective, an important way to do it
advance and agree to get a sense of satisfaction for yourself
They are alive.
Part of social welfare reflects the strength of the individual.
inseparably connected to everything that exists in its present state. Unthinkable
to make sense of a 'wiped out' society that does not provide the basics
physical needs and desires. (Ewles and Simnet,
2.3 Factors that affect health
The problem of manifesting well-being, the weakness of well-being in the elements
suggests that welfare is actually a complex issue
when we need to consider a few factors. English
I have included the quotes below.
What determines our well-being and our external flexibility is not
we can actually contribute to that genetic mutation. "Not yet placed on the stone"
almost all of our elements vary in some significant or less significant way
in our way of life. If we ever find ourselves in such a dire situation,
we increase our gambling significantly if we happen to smoke regularly, for example. if
features are important, however, we should not give them special importance
of them in our lives as they are genetically inherited from us
data availability can be adjusted by many other non-legitimate external features,
and, at present, we cannot fundamentally change our genetic code. Then, at that moment.
it deserves more mental clarity (Barabas, 2006, p. 15)
“Despite the actual weather, social status is also important, that is.
he unites us, through our families and friends, and colleagues. if they do not
our dear friends, when our relationship with our family is broken, it becomes even more difficult
we are facing an emergency. (Barabas, 2006, p. 15)
“The health sector also has an impact on health
easily. There are many conditions for good health
It has a definite change. "(Barabas, 2006, p. 16)
To call a complete man,
the negative effects of these decisions and factors are limited
should limit its best effect as expected. Many elements are one
Good performance is important to keep each sound.
Feel it. The social situation is resolved by one and a few variables,
it should likewise be linked to a deeply intertwined element.
A few elements affect health by their own actions, while others are factors.
mediate or empower its assets (Naidoo and Wills, 1999).
Some reviews suggest collective factors that affect the well-being
we also know the following:
Inherited factors make a person sick
natural mutations brought on by microorganisms or diseases
a lifestyle that leads to ongoing evils
to turn off
environmental conditions: daily environment, climate, pollution
social variables (social type, status, identity, age),
which may have implications for diversity (Naidoo and Wills, 1999)
"The complete and complete set of social determinants is Ádány.
He did Rose. According to the meeting, welfare could be transferred as follows:
Determination features:
pay a subsidy
community assistance
Business terms and conditions of service
Real weather
social factors and lifestyle
Ensuring a strong turn of events.
development and access to health systems
genetic diversity
social benefits
However, the responsibilities of these decisions are not the same. most are legacy
features at 15-30% and care level at 10-15%
Sickness. Another 55-75% is financial.
lifestyle features strongly linked to status and instructions
there is guilt. (Adani, p. 17, 2011)
2.4. The concept of ethics and social well-being
Morality is a point at which a person, a person, is strong
his condition is incredibly important throughout his daily life. Good manners all of that.
behavior and tendencies, skills, at the same time
categories of information, values discussed, opinions, and beliefs
that it is important to be in tune with human well-being,
insurance against existing diseases
plays an important role in recovery. (Fodore, 2010)
"After discovering the concept of welfare as a concept of social culture,
The explanation is also important for future testing.
In recent years, those public institutions have flourished individually.
social practices that form a social culture. (Balazs, 2003)
The way of social life is about consideration, recovery, and social development
local objectives, and personal and local resources
and behavior. (Balázs, 2003; page 11)
By looking at the definition of the concept of social well-being, we can say:
A healthy lifestyle can cover a full range of knowledge and exercise
that is not only confidential but moreover, it is consistent and enhances the local sound
(Balazs, 2003)
“In this sense welfare is the food part of the social culture
we can also clarify the definition of WHO: wellness is the value of physical, loving, and educational health
the state of social assistance, not just the lack of illness or occurrence. mina
what is important is that the person is honest with himself and the community
the climate, yet society, in general, is calm in itself. (Balazs, 2003.
11-12) 3. Avoidance as a benefit
3.1. Vision and a recorded basis for avoidance
Research results showing the social status of the population
outside, they recommend depression, death, and abnormal behavior
shapes that show a straight pattern. It is appropriate to focus on diseases.
keep it away, for reasons it is less expensive and more secure
including the promotion of torture
repairs should start as soon as time allows. The basic way to do this is to:
the common interest in experimental testing.
third at the time of expecting higher education or avoiding higher education
it refers to an action that can correct illness, confusion, stability
injury. (Brabbas, 2006)
3.3. Awareness of health as a tool of anticipation
There is a comfortable connection between the human condition and the human condition
amid your life It is a sad fact that most do not have a negative attitude
the significance of the word welfare is evident, and there are even people who are unfamiliar with it.
that this name exists. He also consistently followed in Hungary
people have a limited understanding of welfare.
“Understanding good health means how well people are doing in their lives
to keep up with and work for their own satisfaction in various stages
well-being, fighting illness or social development
to formulate a framework for evaluation, to make the best decisions, if necessary
their level of knowledge about well-being, even if they have important skills, as well
that they are strongly encouraged to access health data; The bee
to find them. "(Borjadi, 2016, p. 62)
The main benefit of health considerations is a simple analysis,
also, but the disease immediately. all around he has knowledge
in this way, patients are obliged to rely on the results of various treatments, in addition, it helps to develop professionals.
Creating health considerations is important for individuals because it is a fact that:
always check with someone who has a good understanding of how to live well
It positively affects the economy. Get deep-rooted health
learning interactions because our well-being is affected by the external climate
features as well. However, even one person has a negative understanding of well-being and development.
it also draws on the cost of high-quality medical services. That is why the world
The board should urge people to enjoy lasting benefits.
where tests should be led or worked with
meeting organizations for understanding. (Borjadi, 2016)
4. The road to prosperity: a strong lifestyle
We call our propensity and circumstances, which are our attributes
moreover, they reflect our personality. A healthy lifestyle is essential to a healthy lifestyle
food counting and exercise. If we ignore our well-being, it hurts
Extended openness is a component of disease-promoting gambling.
Kopkáne in Müller, 2015)
Creating and following a healthy lifestyle is the way to our well-being
protection and defense. Compliance with the basic conditions for obtaining this key
4.1. The basic conditions for a strong lifestyle
4.1.1. Livelihood
Nutrition determines prosperity but moreover has a long-term impact
lifetime. Food intake is important in many ways. to enter
the amount and nature of food, type of food, mealtime, and
These conditions are essential for a healthy diet.
Together they determine how much energy the whole body has
moreover, supplements enter our bodies and how this affects our health
(Elmadfa, 2009)
Most cardiovascular diseases, constipation, malignant growth
illness, causes of hypertension ill health,
(Hídvégi et al., 2015) This allows you to
its importance to the economy is evolving. All Social Issues Associated With Obesity
In most European countries the cost adds up to 1% of total gross domestic product (GDP).
(WHO, 2006)
An unhealthy lifestyle is an unhealthy diet and an unhealthy lifestyle.
can be considered a consequence, which is often the case in adolescence
(Abraham and Csatordai, 2006) A healthy eating plan is the use of adequate amounts of beverages and a variety of foods.
sources. A healthy diet should be rich in nutrients and minerals
preparation and small portions, proteins, fats, and starch. noise
food is as important to human health as it is to Hungary
illness, the number of heart diseases is high, when:
Poor and unhealthy diet contributes to its appearance.
the sad reality can be reversed if one
practices good eating habits. to avoid
All breasts make up the bulk of a child's diet,
vegetables, fatty foods.
They should eat vegetables somewhere five times a day. Raising children
An important part of creating food patterns is planning dinner like this.
They will affect the lives of all of us. What we loved when we were young,
we have tried, they will go with us one life.
Teenagers during their school years, basically attend the school of your choice
It is clear to them that everyone is different. Different body shapes,
lengths, hair tones,s, and everything. There are no two people in the world, which is why
the child must be properly cared for by caregivers only
they can play a role in creating the right image
to prevent the development of disease in your self-esteem. (Hídvégi et al., 2015)
4.1.2. Exercise
In addition to diet, one way to prevent illness is to work,
which has the effect of preventing adults. practice them consistently
the impact on prevention varies differently. The child is not able to exercise normally.
Consider the weight associated with an adult's body part. (At the end of the scaffold once
Masai, 2015)
Unusual work is like unwanted work
Diet affects the presence of various diseases. English
active exercise may be associated with diabetes, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease
also, as the development of vascular diseases. People who work hard all the time.
they have judged the world and themselves by great judgment, with great emphasis
edit, feel improved and injured not that many
people with a sedentary lifestyle (Pikó, 2002) Medium or large
Practice positively affects prosperity (Aszmann, 2003).
Normal work and well-being are closely related
to a few ideas, and ideas for good nutrition and well-being.
In any case, the most common familiarity with the latest PC design.
was informed of its level. Most have unusual days.
invest some energy in the workplace with hypertension and cholesterol
combating weight gain.
From 2015, there will be daily performances in all classrooms in schools.
Exercise. (Hídvégi et al., 2015)
4.1.3. The liquid inlet is right
Continuing to live a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet and
For human activity, the human body must be balanced
find the amount and nature of the liquid.
50-60% of our bodies are made up of water. Intake of fluids is important for individuals.
in the body, as it dissolves in many substances inside and outside the cell,
also, it ensures additional circulation and blood flow. Help
processing prevents acid reflux, improves kidney function as well
improves the cleaning system. Focus on growth
provides flexibility in the skin as well as kills metabolic substances. Water
allow the body to use the cycles associated with bringing heat
to try not to allow the internal temperature to rise. The water you use is streams
the whole organization. During the various active activities, the external variables of the environment
properly, polish more water, more small portions leave our bodies
therefore, satisfactory development is fundamental. The function of living water in the human body is very different, as it is day by day
recommended liquid infusion of 2.5 liters. As evidenced by the ongoing assessment, the organization's
dehydration is responsible for 80% of back and joint pain. (Uni-Cafe Magazine)
To prevent disease and legal functioning of the body
It is also important to get the right amount of fluid every day.
in our fellowship.
4.2. The main condition of a strong lifestyle in school.
Thinking about how to deal with training for all ages, its conclusion:
Can we imagine that well-being will be the order of the day?
it has a visible space. Clear health training to get a stronger lifestyle
training cannot be extracted, it cannot be combined with different subjects
(Gay, 2002)
Focus permanently on a healthy lifestyle and strong behavior.
it can come from different benefits in our lives. No matter what, in high school
according to age, the plan for health improvement will be high school.
School is a strong climate for living, reviewing, and working
works in the weather. Solid Environment, School Health Education, and School Health
provide a variety of assistance, teams working on various projects, a school
health plan for your employees.
- Incorporates extraordinary importance in smart eating, exercise and
Additional power is important, providing a space for social assistance, deep
health and counseling projects.
Practice the teaching skills that teachers think of
and, the prosperity and tranquility of the students, set many open doors for progress,
sees the effort, goal supports the turn of events.
Assessing their students, school staff,
family and people from a nearby area to keep up with their health, location
helps local pioneers to see how they can contribute and how to avoid it
local social development, education.
Esikoleni School health development programs will not exist without age
the information flows as clearly indicated by the adjectives, yet the emphasis should be on the instructive cycle.
You have a mind.
School programs are very stressful for students when they are busy
the father, the pastor, the young man took an interest in the same degree not
they function as educational tools, yet for a long time. A few years are hard
their reward for all hard work builds up over the years (Brettner, 2006).
4.2.1 Social status of Hungarian children
Adolescents define adolescents under the age of 18.
his long periods of life. Comparative tests have been directed at this circle as for adults.
age can be defined by the same information. Hungary has been buying since about 1985
participated in a global review called Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC). Research provides an open door
This is an important determinant of well-being.
Factors (school prosperity, communication, family circumstances) affect emotions
check your judgment and think about it later
what will be the determining behavior in certain age groups (Aszmann, 2003)
The number of students with mental health problems is growing. This is mentioned here
students have a wide variety of infertility, overwork
lack of the ability to concentrate continuously, with a range of 20-30%. Coincidentally, more
it quickly fills the runways with contaminated organisms
related to respiratory, gastrointestinal, and dermatological diseases
levels of illness. (Hídvégi et al., 2015)
XXI. the good behavior of young people in the 21st century, too
the data acquisition method has completely changed. PC, i
Innovative mobile phones and powerful comparison gadgets:
in life from a special youth. Relaxation games have been replaced by visual games
to invest energy in the world. In a few years, the years of the developed world will grow, and that alone
draw another time, another social fix (Kulin in
Darwin, 2012)
They are done periodically to assess the well-being of many children
read the aforementioned land survey. Final Report 2014-
made for young Hungarian people. According to the report, it decreased in 2014.
in any case, the number of normal activities that apply to young women each day
PC time was extended by two hours. grade 11
increased alcohol use for grade 12 students
an increase in the number of abnormalities that require clinical consideration. This also applies to the number of students who are physically changing.
has grown from 7% in 2006 to 14% in 2014
experience. The incidence of chronic diseases has increased by 10%. Melancholy
Ratings have also begun to rise in the scale, entering:
that students spend their lives in the most tragic situations. Ladies under 17 years of age
There is an increase in the number of people who are overweight, which can be traced back to depression. ESP
breakfast tendencies, the number of people exercising does not eliminate two different methods,
however, image 7-11. increases the number of people who need to shed pounds by grades. Good fitness may be thought of as a sign of obesity, but it is a bad sign
It can also be imagined that a person has something they see without being overweight. (Good
then others more thank. "
According to the Ottawa Charter: "Social development has made sense"
to increase the control and performance of human power and networks. ESP
to achieve a state of complete physical, mental and social prosperity
or on the other hand, the bulk should have the option to build it and do it
their needs, solve their problems, and change or adjust their current circumstances
(WHO, 1986, p. 9) Based on this, social development is not what it used to be.
commitment to the health sector, however, requires close proximity to the community,
where there is an interaction between community authorities, regions, and neighboring networks.
(Nagy, 2005)
The time spent improving the well-being of the school, the teacher, the caregivers as well
having a child is fundamental and without hesitation. All staff and students of the school.
participate directly or indirectly in school social development. English
during school health development for school staff, teachers and
Behavior, caring for conditions, decisions, hygienic conditions all result
in the human way of morality. One of the middle members of the system is the source.
a prepared teacher who teaches, teaches, but at the same time is well-educated
workers to be done (Kulin and Darvay, 2012)
In school social development, health education
In any case, a reasonable circumstance should be made, at last
Units need to be upgraded. fix the issue,
during the assessment of the situation, like many observers, teachers, and students under as many students as possible should be advised
to hear the reason why school health training is important and what?
regions that can deal with these problems. After the separation that takes place, the planning
In the first step of the cycle, it is important to plan the right group
they can pass on relevant information to learners. They do not look for appropriate help
they too can do their part to improve the quality of schooling. Father and pastor
great communication is important since assuming there is a problem they know
to go and call for help. An effort should be made with diet and exercise.
open doors and encourage them continuously (Kulin and Darvay, 2012).
References to the basic principles of a strong lifestyle
food, liquid intake and
proper work.
The school snack started in the mid-twentieth century when it was poor
School meals are served to poor and depressed children. For now,
the function of school meals has changed. We have young people having a good time too
providing nutritious and nutritious foods for their age;
the purpose is to create a food culture. Children eat 2-3 hours, one
Eating regularly is a good way to avoid diabetes. ESP
due to the ongoing buzz about puberty, children are starving,
to bring down sugar levels in the body, weakness,
a lack of consideration occurs. When a student does not pay attention
you can choose to carry food from home to school,
you will shop at the school buffet alone. Obviously, this is helpful.
the decision as long as smorgasbord has a sufficient number of offers. Take advantage of this
Students should similarly purchase food sources that are compatible with a healthy lifestyle, for example,
providing the body with the right amount and nature of the ingredients; The bee
nutrients. In the event of an overdose, chocolate and chips may simply be purchased.
with a variety of cakes with a delicious cover, where there is a smorgasbord
On the contrary, it affects the health attention of students. (Brabbas, 2006)
Despite the nourishment, real work that promotes good health is important
to the student in photography. Children should be consistently interested in them.
should participate in a real training class or sports activity. this for now
governed by the Public Education Act. For real education and daily work are:
it is important for the reasons that the heart and lungs are sufficiently compacted. acrobatic exercises
As part of this, students do pose cosmetics activities and breathing exercises. Real training
hours should be devoted to restricted work and successfully overcome challenges.
Should these professional requirements be met,
Student health continues to deteriorate. Apparently, an engineer That is why it transforms the world into a happy and healthy life.
an idea, an idea that will generally shape ethical behavior, states:
positive attention to health as a focus on harmful substances (Meleg, 2002).
5. Materials and Strategies:
In my examination, I examined the good behavior of high school students e
in high school. One of the basic test techniques is a test tool to
I chose the test. The survey is available online at Enciso
He was a junior student at Mihály Váci Grammar School, Vocational High School, and College
passed. I posted the survey on October 20, 2017, and November 11, 2017
close The survey contains 22 questions. 3 student questions are very confidential
such as your age, shape, and position
they do. 10 solid student life questions and 8 student questions
about your social status, your state of health, and your current status
examined the impact on man. 1 question about a healthy lifestyle
is a commonsense report that divides the number of undergraduates proposed each day
ingestion of fluid into an adult. 192 students were interested in the review. Part
Given the student dispersal, 113 women and 79 women did not vote. the got
clear and related within measurable strategies to produce results
I used ratings. The calculations are done in the Microsoft Excel accounting system
I did this with the help of. By creating charts we get a complete picture,
which will help to confirm or refute my views.
6. Results
6.1. Normal data
Voting was completed by 192 students at Encsi Váci Mihály High School, Vocational High School.
moreover, the foundation of the College. Research on orientation in a large number of young women
responded as men as did 113 ladies and 79 men. Then, at that moment.
58.9% of those surveyed were women and 41.1% were men. (Picture 1)
Figure 1. Distribution of respondent direction
The survey was answered by comparable high school students. The age of the people being reviewed
From 14 to 19 years. 12 to 14 years and 34 to 15 years
Ages 32 to 16, 49 to 17 years old, and 18 to 18 years old
49 people and 16 mature 19 responded. respondents
most were between the ages of 17 and 18, even those who responded at that age
the number is very similar. The smallest fulfillment happened when I was 14 years old. (Picture 2)
The third survey investigation focused on the defendant's rating.
class. 54 people are ninth-grade students, which is 28.1% of the total number of students. 13%
Grade 10 he for 25 individuals. There are 52 learners in Grade 11,
comprising 27.1 percent of those viewed. A circle of 12 students attended a
Overall, 28.6% and 6th graders also completed the survey. mina
statistically, the majority of high school graduates are in grade 12, while
a small number of matriculants. Grade 9, Grade 11 and
There was a small difference between the number of respondents in bunch 12.
6.2.Problems with a strong lifestyle
In this round, I looked at how the respondents ate each day. ESP
chooses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or more dinners each day. ESP
most voices come up 4 times a day, with 60 elected votes. fifth day
38 times students eat, most of the time 54 people. Suitable for 2 dinners a day.
Usually, a few responses are received, only 9 people having twice a day.
food. No one decides to eat once a day. Still
a few came, literally 31 came more than 5 times a day. The fifth study in the review was about what students do.
eaten at school. Students can choose more than one answer. at home
The sandwiches have custom audio instruments
food, hot dinners at the restaurant, cakes sold at the school restaurant, and
try not to neglect school, students have answers. Of the 192 people, 122
in particular, 63.5% of those reviewed ate custom sandwiches. instead of smorgasbord
the number of flasks is 71 and the number of bottles is 62. Creating a healthy lifestyle requires a balanced amount of vegetables as well
consumption of natural products. In the next question,
Custom made
Custom made
to fix
Hosted by Menza
hot party
Purchased at smorgasbord
Cake Shop
it does not diminish
at school
school eating patterns
it is usually healthy
just eating quality
eating well quality
do not be accustomed to good eating habits
how important it is for them to consume these food sources. ESP
Students are tested on a direct scale from 1 to 6, usually 1:
this is not very important in the consumption of leafy foods, while 6 to
is important in the use of ground products. Just for the respondents
It is important for 28 people and 6 people should eat its
ground products regularly. Levels 4 and 5 have 52 and 53.
he chose one. Because of this, soil products are very important to students.
daily use without use.
In solid formulation, the number of daily dinners and ground foods
and vegetarian diets, as well as repeated meals at drive-thru restaurants
which are the basis for building a strong lifestyle. Questions also say:
how often do students learn to walk through joints? moreover, it is straightforward
I prefer a scale with numbers from 1 to 6 as possible
Isn't the machine running on drive-thru eateries while the number 6 is full?
is a trademark Based on this, 29 of the respondents did not eat
in the best restaurants, 7 people showed a completely normal selection of fit. ESP
The majority of respondents were assessed focusing on 2 and 3, the first being selected by 60 people,
while the last 56 people. Considering the results obtained, it is a complete combination of driving
every time we approach a food we see a pattern descending. As well as eating out at the best restaurants, the body's delicious soda
use is also harmful, especially to young people. The next question is before
separating the habits of the youth. 170 out of 92 responds:
who drinks sugar soda several times a day, when 12 people do not drink it
sweet drinks. 35 people eat one meal a day, 39 each for a few days, while
36 people once a week. The key to a healthy lifestyle is not just delicious food, but more than just a regular diet.
and sports. 25.5% of respondents, or at least 49 people without formal schooling
regular preparation. 35.4% work twice a week,
while 27 people 3 times a week. Only 25 percent of those surveyed, or 48 people, are unsuccessful
despite real daily training. 6.3. Minds focused on rational behavior, influential factors,
The real situation
In the last part of the study, I estimated the current state of health of the subject
moreover, the questions are about the impacts that affect a person
choices and tendencies related to the development of a strong lifestyle.
I first assessed a person's well-being by asking:
you think you feel great. The answers are physical, mental.
Level, both and response options are not recorded. 13 people are just physical
Level, 29 people get international level, 29 people experience good health. for the last time
and then, 109 people felt truly amazing and intelligent
yourself. Thus, I again asked a question from the previous question:
whether high school students are happy with their current state of health.
Judging by the response, 42 people on average were completely happy
in their current state of well-being. 47 people checked their health status as 5, while 53
head 4. On the hopeless side, 50 people are disappointed with their well-being. In any case, in the next question, I look at the reaction of these students.
they need to help their well-being than 174 to 192
he replied that he could and would do more to protect his welfare
he sat down.
To be sensible you also need to do this because of the fact that sadly it is a good thing to check it out
the second effect is keeping the body hydrated
stable. Of the 99 of those that have been studied consistently, 69 are correct
73 people without paying attention to unsafe things
tried He drinks wine. There are 12 people involved in this game. From this question came another investigation from us, which analyzes the school that assists
Young people say the disease can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle
system. High school students can answer that question directly,
when in size 1 to 6, 1 method does not respond, 6 a
far from the answer in the plural. 144 of those updated
acknowledge that illness can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle
system. Thirty-eight examined the matter 3 times, and 10 were sketches
they are, that is, they do not accept that infection can be successfully prevented
lifestyle plan. Family and family climate contributes to student development as well
propensities, so you always follow your propensities at home, no matter who you are
she loves. To test this out, they live in an environment around children.
I have received information about his influence. Of those surveyed, 175 responded by:
caregivers, family members, and climate change have a meaningful life. These are the respondents
92% (Figure 14) Of the children reviewed, 155 hoped to:
residents of your current status can influence your social behavior.
as of 192 people, 192 responded, or 100 percent, that it should start now.
welfare method of health training in high school. 7. Discussions, Conclusions
Looking at the experimental survey, it can be assumed that the young ladies in the review were tall.
became interested in the friendship of men and the majority of those who were reformed, especially in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
They come from that age. This age group is in grades 11 and 12 in high school.
he continued his investigation the following year. However, 54 students were obtained in grade 10.
students, so the research results are completely sorted by age
As shown by.
Young people between the ages of 14 and 18 should have good eating patterns.
Create and deliver appropriate quality and quantity of food during the day.
in your body, properly saving your thinking ability,
which is important while teaching the school about its good presentation. Empty Enciso
Based on the response of students from Mihály High School, Vocational High School, and College
The guesswork presented in this proposal can be confirmed by the high school students given
they eat well. This conclusion can be drawn from the way the respondent
students eat somewhere 3 times a day, yet more than 4, 5, and many times individually
They eat a few times. Young people with good results now:
traditional flask and sandwiches are eaten at school. My test
The way high school students eat at home was also exposed
Light and quality food sources are consumed during daily soil production
the vegetable consumption pointer was higher than that, with 133 out of 192 people
Regular use of ground products is important. assistant students
Meals organized in driving-related areas are often beneficial for reasons that are not necessarily
a problem in planning, as well as a delicious taste and the best joints are fun in the community?
puts it again. In any case, the good results of high school are very instructive
they rarely go to restaurants. Sad about quality food.
The negative effect was that 37% of respondents ate hot products purchased from the smorgasbord,
or re-cool the soda rather than water. Only 12 respondents
it does not drink sweet soda pops, and for different respondents, it is daily
105 ordinary people. However, the results are guaranteed abroad
we can conclude that special school students eat well,
habitual eating habits or focusing on doing so, negative indicators, for example,
Buffet's diets and the tendency for sugary drinks in his later years are still astounding.
they will probably change.
To assess the associated assumptions that students are working continuously,
they also practice outside the classroom, where we also achieved a good result. ESP
The 144 respondents similarly trained outside the school.
Often, students feel good about anything.
actually, at a deeper level, 90% of those tested create and demonstrate a positive outlook on health schools, health development, and
start health education.
With the information and reaction we received, we can conclude that the student is in high school
students go the right way divided into a few negative markers
on the road to a healthy way of life. Make noise indirectly
his way of life when school, caregivers, and person
the busy climate also contributes to this.
8. Summary
In a high-tech environment, PCs, cell phones, smart
We now live in an age of resources, when money changes our state of health
moreover, in the years to come, the demand for cash will be replaced by our well-being
to escape. We hear a growing number of misconceptions and estimates about how a
This modern world is in stark contrast to the well-being of children.
However, the school, where the guardians and the youths worked together, began at an appointed time.
Health education can have a profound effect on this vision.
In my writing I need to show that:
High school students eat well, exercise regularly, and are in good shape
they are on the life path. Focus on these tags
there is a father, a school, and a climate, and the children are trying to make peace
to help your health. School plays a vital role
great knowledge of its conditions
should be taught by students. During the test, the Encsi Váci Mihály auxiliary school,
I have graduated from important insights training with high school and college students
in an online test study. The total number of respondents on the subject was 192. DE
in my experiment, the well-being of high school students is certain
They gave me information to check my guess. So don't say
which contradicts the suggestions and results of various papers, I
students in a high school eat well or eat regularly
sports tests outside of school hours. Guardians, school education is affected
of conscious development of the lifestyle and health of young people and in this way:
start good health education in high school again
health development education.
Enciso Váci Mihály High School Vocational High School and College students are excellent
on a sound adult life
it can be to anticipate various ongoing diseases.
ReplyDeleteI read it deeply. It has unique and practical information.