What exactly is health?
Well-being, as characterized by the World Wellbeing Association, is a condition of complete physical, mental and social prosperity. More recently, this definition has been expanded to include an otherworldly aspect, but in addition, the ability to continue a valuable social and monetary existence. Well-being is an extremely broad topic.
kind of cool
In order to better understand this idea, it can very well be isolated into several small areas. Types of well-being include:
True well-being – the legitimate functioning of the body, its frameworks and organs. In addition, true well-being is about harmony between anabolic and catabolic cycles. We accept that the body is truly healthy if no neurotic process (disease) has occurred and its parts are functioning properly. You don't have to be athletic to be in great shape.
Psychological well-being – is divided into two classes: well-being close to home and emotional well-being.
Deep well-being - Truly healthy individuals can perceive and name their feelings. You can also tell them exactly. This is concluded by the standards and standards of the general public. Mental well-being is additionally about keeping up with mental balance and involves dealing with feelings, for example, the ability to manage pressure, tension, nervousness, discouragement, resentment, hostility and different feelings.
Mental Stability – It all depends on the right perspective. Demonstrate the ability to think coherently and clearly. Psychological well-being is associated with the appropriate functioning of the sensory system, especially the focal sensory system.
Welfare and Government Aid - A discussion of the potential outcomes of the Gathering Union. It alludes to the individual's ability to form, maintain, and foster appropriate associations with others and creatures.
Emotional Wellness - A Method for Communicating Strict Religious Beliefs and Practices. It tells you the best way to create a set of individual standards, activities and practices to achieve inner harmony and balance. There are many ways to achieve emotional well-being. Some individuals call emotional well-being inner harmony.
Factors influencing well-being
The basic factors that influence well-being are:
natural circumstances,
ecological condition,
health services.
This is an extremely myopic qualification and I have no idea what the relationship between these variables is. For example, individuals with unfortunate lifestyle tendencies (lack of activity, terrible eating habits), however great the ecological conditions and great natural state, are stronger than individuals who deal with themselves and yet live longer in unhappy conditions. conditions. (Contamination). Even the idea of ​​well-being is exceptionally emotional. It is certain that an individual can be solid and at the same time have an infection of which they are unaware. Many scales have been created to quantify well-being. Each of these components suggests the limitations of subjectivity that I have expressed.
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