Why don't we make you eat your medicine?
Most people are aware of the power of food, yet in some places, it is not clear at all. His diet plan is the first step in improving health, treating anxiety, and supporting a healthy framework, and seems to be increasingly endorsed. The saying "feed your medicine, medicine makes your food" began in 400 BC. is the father of clinical Hippocrates. Indeed, to this day many of the values ​​of ancient Greek medicine still stand.
In addition to food, other aspects of lifestyle, for example, exercise, rest, recovery, communication, and our goals in life are important to health. Everything is connected and no part can work without the remaining parts installed. It is currently being studied that about 80 percent of all chronic illnesses are due to a form of health-related illness. The current power outage is due to all accounts being exhausted by everyone. In any case, what is our diet plan like? In addition, how can you start to meditate on the food we prepare?
Data consumption
We can start by looking at food and drink as details about our bodies, our cells, our organs, and our organs. This data can ensure that we can improve our actual capacity. Otherwise, it will compress our organs.
Obviously, we thrive on poor health and do not consume a lot of vegetables, berries, and organic products. Only 2 out of 10 Swedes eat 500 grams of vegetables, berries, and natural products daily. This is the lowest level we can achieve. As shown by many healthy nutritionists, we should eat more than 1000 grams of vegetables, berries, and organic products daily. Sick health can be brought about by a variety of factors, some of which are relatively inexpensive and well-managed. Today, there are many inspiring tests, with a large number of courses.
Illustration of a combination shows that a decent plant-based diet can alleviate adverse physical effects, strengthen body organs and reduce allergies.
Dietary modification and packaging of dishes or smoothies for a variety of shadings and regions of plant foods lead to the evolutionary development of large different microbes through fibers in the intestinal microflora, including nutrients, minerals, and others. In addition, it retains basic phytonutrients.
Our wild berries are truly therapeutic sources, containing powerful anti-cancer agents (anthocyanins and polyphenols), which have high levels of C and E nutrients and are rich in dietary fiber. There are a few studies that show that eating raw berries can work perfectly on the brain (part of the brain). Daily intake of blueberries can improve memory and help improve cerebrum movement.
Blackberries contain ellagic corrosive. Many people also get better vision at night and improve their vision continuously after eating raspberries at extended intervals.
Vegetables Brassicaceae
All varieties of Brassicaceae vegetables are available in our store all year round and can be stocked in Sweden, available in a variety of assortments, tones, and textures. There are also modest vegetables that are commonly found in natural ingredients. What about red cabbage, cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, bok choy, etc (The name Brassicaceae bloom refers to four flower petals that form a cross.) Brassicaceae vegetables are as impressive as "food". "They contain indole glucosinolate, which dissolves into indole carbinol.
Most people are aware of the power of food, yet in some places, it is not clear at all. His diet plan is the first step in improving health, treating anxiety, and supporting a healthy framework, and seems to be increasingly endorsed. The saying "feed your medicine, medicine makes your food" began in 400 BC. is the father of clinical Hippocrates. Indeed, to this day many of the values ​​of ancient Greek medicine still stand.
In addition to food, other aspects of lifestyle, for example, exercise, rest, recovery, communication, and our goals in life are important to health. Everything is connected and no part can work without the remaining parts installed. It is currently being studied that about 80 percent of all chronic illnesses are due to a form of health-related illness. The current power outage is due to all accounts being exhausted by everyone. In any case, what is our diet plan like? In addition, how can you start to meditate on the food we prepare?
Data consumption
We can start by looking at food and drink as data about our bodies, our cells, our organs, and our organs. This data can ensure that we can improve our actual capacity. Otherwise, it will compress our organs.
Obviously, we thrive on poor health and do not consume a lot of vegetables, berries, and organic products. Just Rack, it works on the blockage of the intestinal mucosa and helps to create harmless organisms that help the immune system. Also, they help the microorganisms in the stomach to form a butyric corrosive (butyric corrosive) and provide an overprotective effect in the fight against the intestinal disease.
Brassicaceae vegetables are rich in nutrients, minerals, and anti-cancer agents. Many contain sulfur, which cleanses the blood, supports detoxification of the liver and fights bacteria. All in all, cabbage juice has been used as a rejuvenating drink for people with stomach ulcers, medically affecting the digestive mucosa and removing destructive organisms. Cabbage additionally contains a lot of L-ascorbic acids, which are usually higher than oranges. Kale likewise contains an excellent source of cell reinforcement carotenoids.
Curcumin is amazingly cool and can be used to reduce obesity, but it can also be used in combination with other dietary supplements and lifestyles to avoid irritation.
Garlic is a real medicinal plant that has been used to treat people in various cultures for a thousand years. It has been known in Egypt for 6000 years and is said to have been developed in Sweden during the Viking Age. Garlic contains excellent ingredients that are good for our bodies. Garlic can also be found as an anti-toxin because it contains many antibacterial and antiviral substances that can completely affect the attacks of unsafe microorganisms and diseases. Garlic also helps to improve blood flow to the arteries.
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